Nicole Forstenhaeusler
I am PhD student based in the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia, studying the effects of climate change on global fluvial flooding and investigating how flood models can be improved by use of regionalisation methods. My research is jointly funded by the Faculty of Science of the University of East Anglia and the Amar-Franses and Foster-Jenkins Trust. I am supervised by Dr. Ing. Yi He, Prof. Timothy Osborn and Prof. Andrés Bárdossy (based at the University of Stuttgart, Germany).
The aim of my PhD project is the development of a regionalised global hydrological model to assess the impacts of climate change on flood risks. To date, only a handful of global hydrological models to simulate long-term water balance and to simulate streamflow have been developed. These models often suffer from a lack of regionalised model parameters which renders their simulation output somewhat unreliable. With my work I aim to address this shortcoming of existing models and to thus increase the reliability of flooding projections under changing climatic conditions.
Prior to working on my PhD, I completed a MSc in Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia and spent 4 years working as a research associate. My research focused on climate change impacts, primarily on agricultural yield and biodiversity but also on drought and flooding. Among others, I contributed to the HELIX (high-end climate impacts and extremes) and the EUCalc (European Calculator) project.