Ellen White

University of Southampton INSPIRE Cohort 1

PhD title: Automated Detection of Marine Sound Sources from Autonomous Vehicles.

Supervised by: Professor Jonathon Bull and Professor Paul White (UoS)

Advised by: Russel Wyn (NOC) and Dr Denise Risch (SAMS)

Project Aims:

To develop algorithms which automate the detection and classification of anthropogenic and biological sound sources in the North Atlantic.

Use the output of detection algorithms to explore the soundscape ecology of the West of Scotland, to understand the effect of anthropogenic noise on species occurrence and diversity, for application to MPA designation (EU INTERREG COMPASS project).

To quantify successful applications of passive acoustic monitoring on autonomous ocean vehicle technology for monitoring soundscapes.

Previous Education

Bsc Honours Marine Biology with Oceanography

Msci Marine Biology

Both completed at the University of Southampton

Research Interests:

  • Marine Soundscapes
  • Soundscape Ecology
  • Autonomous vehicles and platforms
  • Big Data analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Marine Protected Areas and Environmental Protection
  • Marine mammals
  • Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM): Collection, Study Design and Data Analysis

Other side projects:

Applying Passive Acoustic Monitoring to Archaeological Site Scoping and preservation (Industrial Partnership)

PAM of Marine Soundscapes in UK waters (Industrial Partnership)


Twitter: https://twitter.com/OceansE11en

Email: elw1g13@soton.ac.uk

University Bio: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/oes/postgraduate/research_students/elw1g13.page