Emily Wallis

I am a PhD student based in the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, studying climate variability and change in the early industrial era. My research is part of the NERC-funded GloSAT (Global Surface Air Temperature) project and is supervised by Tim Osborn, Ed Hawkins (University of Reading), Manoj Joshi and Michael Taylor. I am a member of the ARIES E3i Club Committee which organises training and engagement events for ARIES students and I volunteer for Pint of Science, Norwich. 

Prior to joining UEA, I completed a BSc in Geography at the University of Leicester (with a Year Abroad studying at the University of Calgary) before spending four years working in Environmental Sustainability roles at Leicester City Council and De Montfort University, Leicester.

Alexander Elsy

I am a tropical forest ecologist working towards a PhD at the University of Stirling, funded by the IAPETUS DTP. I am interested in forest recovery in late succession and accurately capturing the value of secondary forests in the tropics. My current fieldwork is based on a secondary forest chronosequence in the Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Panama and I have also worked in degraded secondary forest and oil palm plantations in Sabah, Borneo. I have a keen interest in climate and land use change, community ecology and trees and liana interactions.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/_AlexElsy

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-elsy/

University page: https://www.stir.ac.uk/people/1017503#aboutme