Katie Devenish

I am a classic geography nerd so what really excites me is the interaction between humans and the natural world. I love discovering pieces of the puzzle and fitting them together to form the bigger picture of our life on earth – how we evolved alongside nature, how we used and misused natural resources to fuel our development and how can find a way to re-balance our relationship with nature to live sustainably.

General nerdiness aside I am particularly interested in issues of sustainability, natural resources management, biodiversity conservation and environmental governance.

My PhD research uses Madagascar as a case study to investigate the intersection of these issues; the environmental-trade offs of mining in biodiversity hotspot. Madagascar is endowed with extensive and varied mineral resources which so far remain relatively untapped. It is also considered one of the world’s hottest biodiversity hotspots, home to an exceptional variety of flora and fauna with extremely high rates of endemism, much of which is confined to the ever-dwindling forests. There is substantial overlap between Madagascar’s mineral resources and its biological wealth which raises the dilemma – how can Madagascar use its mineral wealth to develop without trading-off biodiversity?

I will investigate this question by evaluating the benefits and environmental impacts of different forms of mining in Madagascar (large-scale industrial, small-scale formal and informal artisanal) in an attempt to determine which forms of mining could yield the greatest benefits for the least environmental costs. So far, I have used cutting-edge statistical methods for impact evaluation to determine whether Madagascar’s largest mine is on track to deliver no net loss of forest (as a proxy for biodiversity) through application of the mitigation hierarchy and biodiversity offsetting. If successful, this would show the economic contributions of industrial mining (which in Madagascar cannot be understated) can be achieved without trading-off biodiversity.

Next, I will combine quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the impacts of artisanal gem mining. In Madagascar, artisanal mining is illegal, unregulated, insecure, and often unsafe. However, it employs up to 500,000 people, often providing a ‘last line of defense’ when other modes of income generation fail. As such, it makes a vital contribution to local livelihoods and can stimulate local development. Whilst the majority of artisanal mining (particularly for gold) is long-term and diffuse, over the past 30 years there have been a series of high-profile rushes for gemstones, involving tens of thousands of miners converging on area to dig for riches. First, I will investigate the validity of media reports that artisanal gem rushes within the Eastern rainforests led to extensive deforestation, forest degradation and illegal bushmeat hunting. Then I will compare the impacts (positive and negative) of an artisanal gem rush with a small, formal, ethically-minded gem mine that set up at the same location after the rush had ended. I want to investigate community perceptions of the two different forms of mining and the associated environmental impacts to determine which yielded the greatest benefits for the lowest costs.

Finally, I plan to do some large-scale scenario modelling of existing alternatives to mining to determine whether there is a viable alternative that could an generate equivalent economic contribution to mining and if so, what would be consequences of this on land cover?

The research will span the environmental and social sciences, although focussing mostly on the former, and integrate both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data will be obtained through fieldwork and analysis of satellite imagery. The project will involve in-depth use of Geographical Information Systems and R statistical software.

The infographic is a work in progress but it aims to visually depict the idea behind biodiversity offsetting.

Katie Spencer

I am a conservation scientist and 2nd year PhD student at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology at the University of Kent. My research aims to understand the drivers of defaunation in Borneo, by assessing the human and environmental threats to large mammals (i.e sun bears) using ecological and social science techniques. My background lies within camera-trapping and mammal ecology; my MSc research investigated the impact of livestock guarding dogs on predator ecology in South Africa and I’ve also worked as a mammal scientist for Operation Wallacea in Honduras, Mexico and Indonesia.

Here is a sneak preview of some results for sun bear occupancy analysis in Borneo so far:

Also feel free to check out my:

Student Profile




Blog on undertaking a PhD in a pandemic

Jonathan Rosser

Jonathan is currently interested in the application of novel machine learning and causal inference techniques to solve climate critical problems. The main focus of his research is applying these techniques to Southern Ocean dynamics and circulation and their impact on the global climate system. He will be analysing the causal network structures derived from a variety of CMIP6 models and then comparing these to see how different models behave.

A Causal Inference Network of the Southern Ocean

Jess Fleming

I am a PhD student in atmospheric chemistry at the University of Cambridge using low-cost, portable sensor networks to measure air pollution. I am currently using data from the Breathe London (BL) network to study the impact of policy interventions such as the Covid-19 lockdown and introduction of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) on the capital’s air quality. This work differs from standard government monitoring of air pollution in two main ways. Firstly, the BL data are recorded at higher spatial and temporal resolution, which allows better identification of local pollution events. Secondly, CO2 concentrations are also measured and can be used as a tracer for the impact of weather on pollution, which usually hinders any effort to compare pollution levels through time. I am passionate about my research because understanding and improving air quality is vital to the protection of human health and the environment, and for building a more sustainable society.

Beyond my day-to-day research, science outreach is very important to me. I enjoy working with students to engage them with science and encourage them to pursue it in their future studies and career.

Jamie McCoy

I am a second year ARIES DTP student based at the University of Plymouth, working within the EmbryoPhenomics research group. I completed a BSc in Marine Biology and Oceanography in 2017, and MRes in Marine Biology in 2018 at the University of Plymouth. Through this I developed a keen interest in ecophysiology and developmental biology, specifically how early life stages of aquatic invertebrates respond to factors associated with climatic change, and how the environment experienced by previous generations influences the development of offspring. During previous research projects and my current PhD research, I have developed skills in marine and freshwater animal husbandry, respirometry, and in the use of automated bio-imaging systems and computer vision methods in ImageJ and Python, and applied these to quantify temperature and oxygen driven differences in aspects of embryo morphology, physiology and behaviour. These approaches generate vast amounts of video and phenotypic data, and as a result I have also developed skills in the use of big data analytics in R and Python.  


Embryonic development is characterised by high degrees of temporal and functional change both within and between individuals, and responses to differences in the external environment during this highly dynamic life stage comprise a huge number of individual trait changes. Current estimates of environmental sensitivities to forecasted levels of environmental change are frequently based on data from adult stages, often ignoring periods of early development, during which sensitivities are markedly different. Phenomics, the acquisition of high dimensional phenotypic data at organism wide scales has seen widespread application within plant biology and medicine, and allow the relationships among multiple traits to be integrated into analyses of responses to environmental variables. My current research is focussed on the application of phenomics approaches through use of imaging and computer vision technologies, to characterise development stage specific sensitivities of aquatic embryos to environmental stress. The adoption of such approaches not only allows for the quantification of traditional measures of embryo size and movement, but also usage of machine ‘proxy traits’, measurements of fluctuations in pixel intensities within video data that provide integrative measures of whole organism physiology and behaviour.


OrCID ID: 0000-0002-3238-9781

Twitter: @jamiemccoy1995

EmbryoPhenomics: https://www.embryophenomics.org/

Publications: McCoy, J.C.S., Spicer, J.I., Tills, O., Rundle, S.D. (2020). Both maternal and embryonic exposure to mild hypoxia influence embryonic development of the intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.221895.